As a matter of principle, I do not participate in panel discussions or other public events where diverse views are not being represented. As a human who exists at the intersection of the privilege in U.S. society (white, non-disabled, cisgender male), I feel it's my responsibility to make space for other voices. I'm honored to be invited to participate, but please prioritize the inclusion of people who are not currently privileged by their race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or class.
According to Nathalie Molina Niño, the research shows that the threshold for representation is about 30%. Using this metric as a guide, my guidelines are as follows:
Inclusive of my participation, if the representation of white, non-disabled, cisgender males for your event will be:
🟢 < 50%: can participate
🟡 50-70%: case-by-case basis, please inform me
🔴 > 70%: can not participate
I appreciate your work as an organizer to improve your discussions by improving the diversity of your event. I'm happy to recommend other participants upon request.